Knowledge Point 01: Rabbits Use Their Hind Legs to Tap the Ground to Convey Emotions

The action of rabbits tapping the ground with their hind legs is a unique way of communication, especially used by male rabbits to express emotions or territorial awareness to female rabbits.

Detailed Explanation: In rabbit social behavior, tapping the ground with hind legs is a very prominent action. This action usually occurs between male rabbits, used to demonstrate strength or warn other males not to approach their territory.

At the same time, male rabbits also use this method to express their love or mating intentions to female rabbits. When female rabbits receive this signal, they may respond accordingly based on the male rabbit’s performance and their own wishes.

This communication method plays an important role in rabbit social life, contributing to the stability and harmony of the population.

Knowledge Point 02: Cicada Molting is a Natural Phenomenon in the Cicada Growth Process

Cicada molting is the phenomenon of cicadas shedding their exoskeletons due to their inability to expand with body growth, which is an important part of the cicada growth cycle.

Detailed Explanation: The exoskeleton of cicadas is very hard and cannot expand with body growth. Therefore, when cicadas grow to a certain stage, their exoskeletons will restrict further body growth. To solve this problem, cicadas undergo a molting process, shedding their old exoskeletons and replacing them with new, larger ones.

This process usually occurs during the cicada larva stage and occurs multiple times until the cicada grows into an adult. Cicada molting is not only a natural phenomenon in the cicada growth process but also a strategy for adapting to the environment and escaping predators.

Knowledge Point 03: Bees Produce Honey Through Repeated Ingestion and Modulation

Bees produce sweet honey by repeatedly ingesting and modulating nectar from flowers, a process that involves multiple ingestions and modulations.

Detailed Explanation: After collecting nectar from flowers, bees will spit it into an empty honeycomb. At night, bees will suck these nectars into their honey stomachs for modulation. This modulation process is very complex, requiring bees to repeatedly ingest and expel the nectar, undergoing multiple physical and chemical changes.

After 100 to 240 ingestions and modulations, the nectar finally turns into sweet honey. This process not only demonstrates the diligence and wisdom of bees but also provides us with a delicious food source. At the same time, honey has various nutritional and medicinal values, positively promoting human health.

Knowledge Point 04: Snakes Use Scales and Muscles to Achieve Legless Locomotion

Snakes achieve legless locomotion through the coordination of their scales and muscles, with scales playing a role in supporting and propelling the body during crawling.

Detailed Explanation: The body surface of snakes is covered with many scales, which not only provide protection for snakes but also serve as “feet.” When snakes crawl forward, their bodies will bend in an S-shape, with the scales on the outer part of the S-shape lifting up to help snakes grip uneven surfaces.

At the same time, the muscles of snakes will also coordinate with the movement of the scales to propel the body forward. Although this legless locomotion method seems simple, it is very effective, allowing snakes to move flexibly in various complex environments.

In addition, the scales of snakes also have multiple functions such as reducing friction and protecting the body from injury.